Who Do We Want to Be?

I’m glad the presidential campaign and election is over because it has been mentally and emotionally stressful and draining. Jaw-dropping and epically horrific to watch and experience is an understatement. On all sides. As a woman, and one of color, the rhetoric and actions of this election cycle have been disturbing and troubling. What comforts and gives me hope in times of uncertainty is remembering and knowing my sustainability is not found in man; it’s found in God.

 With that said, I certainly understand, feel and don’t trivialize the fear, dismay and anger by some of my countrymen. For those of us who exercised our right to vote, there is either jubilant astonishment or utter disbelief and outrage. We can’t stay here. What has to happen now goes beyond mending fences; we have to repair the breach and close the chasm caused by this election cycle. For those feeling like they’re holding on to the edge of the cliff, we need to extend a hand to pull them up so they can stand on solid ground. No matter how our opinions differ, we have to respectfully recognize the value in each other.

 The words spoken by the president-elect during his acceptance speech were gracious. The real test will be if those words translate and bear out to consistent action. My prayer for him is that he would have the wisdom, will, desire and compassion for the people of this nation and around the world and let that be the motivation behind his actions. Who do we want to be? The world is watching.


2 thoughts on “Who Do We Want to Be?

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting Cindy. We definitely have a long road ahead of us and the new developments each day are mind boggling. But I believe we’re resilient and will come through this with greater respect and compassion for each other. Thanks again!


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